
smokers, i beg you [JAPAN as the smoker's heaven]

Everyday, when I go out, I see smokers on streets. Everyday, every night, everywhere, there are the smokers. I don't know why they cannot refrain from smoking outside. I don't know why they just cannot smoke only in a smoking room and don't in public. I don't know why I have to smell and inhale it in the place opened for everybody. I don't know really why I cannot avoid it in public places. Because we are in Japan ? Yes, that's the reason why. Does it mean that people in Japan have to stand it and say nothing to these smokers in public ? Maybe, we cannot say no to them, not yet, not yet.... they might carry a knife and kill me or kill you when we say "please don't smoke on a street in public." This shit could happen even in this  safe country.



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