
Do you smoke in public places ?

Do you ?

Have you ever thought how the other people who have to inhale the smoke you created feel about it ? Could you please refrain from smoking in public until you find and enter a smoking room or area ? Are you addicted to it that much really ? Can you control yourself ?

"We" are not really happy to smell it in public in the morning and the afternoon. Why do we have to inhale it on a street which must be opened for everybody not only for the smokers like you!

Please, think about the other people who don't like to smell it. There are lots of restaurants and coffee shops where you can smoke without disturbing others around you.

You know what ? You are lucky because you are here in Japan not in the US, it means that you can find many restaurants where you can smoke. Please smoke there but not on a street, not in public places. Please look around you and see other people who don't feel good because of inhaling the smoke coming out from your mouth, because you smoke in public.

Please do consider other people around you, the people who don't like to secondhand smoke from you. Please....

nice!(0)  コメント(2)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 0

コメント 2

I definitely agree with you!
I dont even understand if anybody would oppose this!
by (2005-09-28 10:40) 


yeah, you agreed, i know many do too. but unfortunately, there are lots of smokers in public who are really annoying me and the other non-smokers every day. there are a lot, they are sick and thinking about smoking anytime and everywhere they go. they are badly addicted to smoking. they cannot control themselves. in a way, I am sorry for them. but please don't smoke in public, do it in your room or smoking areas.
by タバコの匂い大嫌い (2005-09-29 08:13) 



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